Become an Airline Pilot

Let us help you realize your flying dreams.

Our Program


To become a professional pilot, you will need to accumulate at least 1500 of flight time to be eligible for the ATP rating (Airline Transport Pilot), the required rating for every airline or corporate pilot.
You will spend about 300 hours obtaining the different ratings in our program and then spend about 1200 hours teaching as a CFI in order to get to 1500 hours. This is the path to a flying career that our program follows.
Below is more information on each of the steps. With each of these rating there is a written test and a check ride.

Flight Training

Foundation Ratings


Private Pilot

The Private Pilot License (PPL) is the first step. You learn how to pre-flight the plane and about it’s systems and how to perform basic maneuvers to the standards set by the FAA. The minimum hour requirement for the PPL is 40 hours and the national average is about 80 hrs.


Instrument Rating

During this rating, you will learn how to navigate the plane base solely on the instruments in the cockpit. You will also learn to operate in the national Air Traffic Control (ATC) system.


Time Building

In order to get your Commercial Rating you will need at least 250 hours of flight time in your log book. Professional Pilot Program student will spend several hours making trips and gaining experience during this time-building phase. It can be a fun part of the program because you are using your pilot privliges and not in a formal training program.

Advanced Ratings


Commercial Rating

At least 10 hours will be spent in our Mooney 201. This is what the FAA calls a complex aircraft meaning it has variable pitch propeller and retractable landing gear.
The other focus during the Commercial Rating is operating the plane to the extremes of it’s flight envelope. In other words flying the plane as fast as it will go and as slow as it will go while making more precision maneuvers.
The knowledge aspect of this rating focuses on the regulations for working in the industry.
Once you have the Commercial Rating, you can make money as a pilot.


Certified Flight Instructor

The Certified Flight Instructor (CFI) rating allow you teach other how to fly. It is the most common way pilots accumulate hours and get paid in the industry.


Certified Flight Instructor Instrument

The Certified Flight Instructor – Instrument allows you to teach pilots pursuing the Instrument Rating. Most CFIs are also CFIIs.


Professional Pilot

A professional pilot is a career-ready aviator with all the above ratings and 1500 hours of flight time.

About GPTC

The Goodrich Pilot Training Center has been operating in the Greater Binghamton area since 1997. Over the years, dozens of students have experienced the adventure and become professional pilots in the airlines, corporate aviation, and the military. 

Looking for a school near you?

The GPTC has East Coast pilots covered!

Costs & Financing

At the GPTC, we understand that flight training is expensive. We want you to be free to lay aside financial stress and focus on flying. 

Payment Methods

The Goodrich Pilot Training Center has two payment plans:

1. Pay as you fly
2. Draw down account with Pre-Payment bonus – SAVE up to 5%
The draw down account requires an upfront payment which we offer a pre-payment bonus for: MasterCard and Visa to make pay as you fly payments.

Your contribution

$ 500 – $ 999 2.5% of contribution

GPTC contribution

$ 1,000+ 5.0% of contribution

For example, if you contribute $1,000 to a draw down account, Goodrich Pilot Training Center will credit your account for $50 (5.0% of $1,000), for a total initial balance of $1,050. As you train, your balance draws down with each flight. Should you decide to withdraw your balance, we will refund your remaining balance less GPTC’s total contribution. We only accept cash or checks for draw down account payments. However, you can use MasterCard and Visa to make pay as you fly payments.

Pricing Breakdown

Enter your name and email to receive a price sheet with costs of materials, instruction time, tests, and other relevant pilot expenses. 

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Pilot Financing

Stratus Financial was founded by FAA Certified Flight and Ground Instructors passionate about helping others achieve their aviation dreams. We know it’s not just about achieving your dreams (because we looked up in the sky every time, we heard an airplane too!), but funding your family’s dreams as well. That’s why Stratus was created, because with Stratus, the sky is no longer the limit.