Let Us Make Your Beechcraft Cool!
ThermaCool Electric Air Conditioning
Beechcraft Baron (58 Series) and Bonanza (36 Series)
$34,500 Installed
Beechcraft Baron 55 Series (call for details)
$33,500 Installed
Baron 36
$32,500 Installed
Have questions? We are here to help.
It's always air conditioning season at Goodrich Aviation!
$750 off
It may be cold outside in winter, but that doesn’t stop us from installing ThermaCool. From December through March, we offer our winter discount.
The system must be installed during the discount period.
Thermacool Benefits
- Set-it and forget-it digital cockpit controller.
- No flight restrictions — use it during taxi, take off, climb, and cruise.
- You can use it on the ground to pre-cool the cabin with a GPU.
- Doesn’t take up precious rear seat or baggage space, require trips to the store to buy ice, or take time to drain like the plastic cooler units.
- It is fully FAA STC approved for your aircraft.
- Cold air from overhead where it is most effective.
- Increases the value of your plane.
Increases the saleability of your plane to warmer parts of the country and sets it apart from similar planes without air conditioning. - One of the most useful and enjoyable upgrades you can make to your plane.
- Your passengers will love it!
- Installation time — about 3 weeks.
Ready to make your airplane cool?
Contact Doug Goodrich at 607-821-2982 or Doug@GoodrichAviation.com.